General English

Course Content, Dates and Fees

Intensive General English Courses

Our Intensive general English courses have established the firm foundation on which all our teaching is based. They offer a choice of programmes for everyone who needs an improved level of English for academic, social or professional reasons.

  • Courses of 20 or 30 lessons per week
  • Every level from Beginner to Advanced
  • Multi-national classes
  • Constant monitoring and regular progress tests
  • Homework and directed study assignments
  • Reduced fees for long-term study

Your Choice of General English Course

When you enrol, you can select the number of lessons per week which suits you best, and the course duration which meets your needs. You can be sure that if you are a complete beginner or if you already have a good command of the language, there will be a class suitable for you.

Your General English Lessons

Your lessons will be stimulating and effective, with a variety of activities to develop your confidence, knowledge and skills:

  • Lively presentation and practice of new language
  • Rapid development of oral fluency, accuracy and conversation skills
  • Systematic development of listening, reading and writing skills
  • Extension of vocabulary, structure and usage

If you follow a course of 30 lessons per week, you will develop general communication skills with the English for Success Programme including focus on:

  • Speaking and listening for success
  • Writing and reading for success

Outside your scheduled timetable, you will be able to use the multi-media learning centre, with computers, internet access, TV, DVD, reference library and private study facilities.  Everything you need for enjoyable and successful study!

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Browse courses (including dates and fees):